Hello World !!!

So.... Here comes the very first post on the Dark, The Dim, The Bright. :)
Its obviously not the first blog that I am going to write, But having spent a plenty of time publishing and posting my work here and there. I now decided to be a little bit streamlined and organised, and thus took a decision of integrating my works on a broader platform, and having a luxury for connecting to a larger set of audience.
To talk about this blog, It came into being due to my decision of stepping into an entirely new field of Blog Review. Its a new sphare of work for me and I am pretty excited about it, as it would comprise a review about some of my amazing favorites including blogs and websites of both veteran and new bloggers.
Book Review is something I was quite fascinated about since a long time. Being an author of a poetry collection at 12, apart from meeting a range of extremely talented art and literary critics, it was really a fascination for me to step into their boots. Though, I admit that there remains a lot of things to learn about it, and so the process will teach me the same.
Apart from this there would be some categories relating to Psychology, and related things that insist me to ponder upon them time and again. Frankly speaking, Psychological study is one of my biggest passions, though I couldn't pursue it in real sense. And thus I often try to catch up the emotions and understand psychology through my surroundings. One of my teacher Prof. T.M. Thomas, gave an interesting word for people with such raw passion of the subject. Pedestrian Psychologist.
Other relevent categories shall also be added to the blog from time to time. 
And Lastly...
To me blog writing is a personal journey, with the readers as our fellow travelers. And every person has a very own little corner as this, created by him or her which holds real importance for them. And so, I believe that blogs are mediums to talk to and introspect ones own self. In the literal sense, it covers every shade of life... THE DARK, THE DIM, THE BRIGHT !!!
I hope you will come along the trip, and make this a memorable one. :)

Cheers !!!


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