Happy New Year !!!

First of all, A very happy New year to all my dear readers and to all the admirers and fellow bloggers around the globe :) Blogging never seemed so fulfilling and happening till the point I realized that it's just not an electronic mode of writing and representing, but there exist real emotions and pious appreciation and affection for each other. There is a strong sense of belongingness emerges and continues to grow as time goes. There are certain blogs (and bloggers too) who are much more dearer to me than ever. There is a special bond between us has developed, I believe. Their blogs are the first thing I browse even before I look at mine. :) As I once said on Jason's Blog, These blogs are my habit now. To all the readers of my blog at both blogger and WP, I extend my sincere gratitude (A big hug from my side :) ) and really appreciate their support. I want to thank Dennis Cardiff , and Suzie , who were the first of my followers ever on wordpress. and ...